Recently, MagRabbit-AU was requested by a client to design and manufacture electronic rain probes. The probes were designed to meet the following concepts:
Fig 1. A rain probe network
The heart of every rain probe is a tipping bucket. The rainwater flow causes the bucket to move, which invokes an electronic counter to measure rain level. Figure 2 illustrates an electronic board inside a rain probe. The board includes the following components:
The firmware which implements the measurement logic is burnt into the flash memory of the microprocessor.
Fig 2. The electronic board inside a rain probe network (front and back sides)
The probe can operate in either electricity mode or battery mode. Embedded lithium-ion battery ensures the probe to survive in at least 30 days in case of electricity blackout in harsh weather.
In this project, MagRabbit-AU has gone through full life-cycle of product development:
This is a successful case study in which MagRabbit-AU has provided excellence in electronic design service. The service we provided benefited the client not only in high product quality but also in cost saving and short time-to-market.